About Game



The man is the crown of nature, the supreme  being and the latest round of evolution. As if these statements are given the right to humanity to appeal thoughtlessly to nature and its gifts. At first it was just a fire, then the pipes of plants emitted smoke and ultimately the man tried to tame the atom. It was the last straw in the cup of patience of the world. The disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant was a harbinger of enormous storm aimed at cleansing the planet from plagued filthiness -  the people.


Around the world the inexplicable and terrifying events happened in already registered anomalous and mystical places. As if the flora and fauna have rebelled against the people. Later on in these places even the air could give a careless man a deadly surprise. Such places are called Zones.


Basic laws of physics did not work in the Zones and the unusual objects appeared called artifacts. In these places the strange mutated animals and even creatures never seen before became increasingly seeing. It was extremely dangerous to stay in these areas. To fall into the anomaly and to be gnawed by mutant, to get a  lethal radiation dose and to catch an unknown virus or even to mutate under the influence of external factors - here it is an incomplete list of the possible fate of the man in the Zones.


The found artifacts had unexplored properties and were able to advance science for decades. But people have a resistance to the obvious and opened warnings of the nature. And the man started looking for his own benefit but not the ways of salvation. A hunt for the artifacts and mysteries was initiated and different adventurers, criminals, fugitives, former military and other daring men, eager for gain, throng to the Zones. They became known as stalkers.


They have got artifacts, specimens of flora and fauna and stalkers were chasing the secrets of the Zones. Someone was searching for answers to questions, but mostly, like hundreds of years ago, they wanted to fill their own pockets. As the stalkers became more and more, and everybody had personal goals the arms appeared in the areas and the blood was poured. Stalkers have started to gather in groups and fight against each other for control over the rich places with artifacts over relatively quiet areas where they could relax and wait out the danger.


It became more profitable to deal with the group than with the one for the representatives of various corporations and governments of all more or less developed countries. The area was received sophisticated weapons and equipment with the continuous flow. Stalkers’ bases were equipped with alarm systems, mine fields, machine guns controlled by a video camera.  The more serious stalkers began to walk with the latest small arms, with night vision devices and other special equipment.


You, the newly-made stalker, who has your own goals. You have always been interested in the Zone. Its soaked in mystery and danger lie air always tickled your nerves. But who are you? Dashing mercenary, who is able to earn good money doing the most dangerous tasks? The man, who has not found a place in the everyday gray life in crowded cities? Adventurer, who  just hiding from the  pursuers? Or, you and only you are able to lead the people to seek the truth of the anomalous zones in order to save all living beings on the planet? It is up to you!


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Brutor, as Bes, is a strongly modified human being but without a drop of humanity. It looks like a zombie in the shell with fully keratinized skin filled with metal makes. It is very difficult to destroy the brutor with small-caliber weapons. Some of them survived even after a direct hit by a grenade. Brutor can prosecute the victim even if it is shot off the legs or other body parts. The pain makes brutor more angry making it a killing and violent machine. Brutor is terrible by itself being a terrible creature. The constantly hungry creature looking for food all the time and does not disdain to use any means. Its huge mouth with terrible teeth tear all living things. Brutors often cut entire groups of stalkers, which unknowingly came to their habitats.  The bones and remnants of uniforms are scattered in disorder all over the place, give the traveler understanding of the terrible fate of the detachment.


The creature like amoeba being relatively rare, and as a rule doesn’t not attack preferring to lure its victims in an ambush and obduce them from head to toe and digested alive inside hitting firstly by its stinging cells. As an amorphous substance the amoeba is able to fill in any natural depression, first changing its color, turn into a benign swamp, so that any careless victim can be caught in a “clever trap”. However, some species prefer trees or buildings. They fall off the top or attack from the bushes with stinging cells. Some survivors were managed to save from the amoeba after singling monsters with acid or fire.


Basilisk is a very large and powerful creature by virtue of its size capable of withstanding a very long fire preferring firstly to immobilize its victim by powerful psionic attack and then eat it. Few survivors describe it as something when you look at the muscles are numbed, and you can’t move. People turned to stone. A half man and a half reptile with giant teeth can tear his victims apart. Most often the Basilisk can be seen near the powerful psionic anomalies. The experienced stalkers often employ several psionic mutans to advance deeply into the Zone in order to find and destroy Basilisk. An interesting fact was revealed by using Bulletproofs: Basilisk almost can’t influence on their minds allowing other stalkers to find and shoot him from afar.

Spider mutant

It’s little known about the giant spiders. Of the distinguishing features of modern spiders only netting is left. From prehistoric spider  the mutant got his giant size. By itself the spider is not particularly strong but has terrible poisonous jaws. Spider’s poison is very powerful and able to literally dissolve flesh turning it into a jelly, which the spider will suck out of its victim. The spider is catching its victims by nets trying to weave them in secluded places. The spiders’ network is very strong and many scientists are ready to pay big money for the samples of nets or poison of these giant spiders in the Zone. Stalkers often make the hunting groups to search for monsters and their networks.

Bear mutant

A sinister force and high speed of the bear make him one of the most dangerous mutants in the Zone. The impact of anomaly turned the bears in terrible monsters. They became flesh-eating predators. The bear mutant is characterized by huge fangs and claws. As a rule they go one by one guarding their territory. But the worst is not even a scary arsenal of fangs and claws but the lust to kill and stalk their prey, no matter what. Bear mutant is able to regenerate their wounds. There are cases when the bear killed his victim even after firing point-blank. Stalkers hunt on bears only by large groups. But despite all precautions, hunting is often fatal to one or more hunters.

Mutant rat

The mutated rat is bigger than its counterparts. They feed on carrion, decay, garbage, exhausted mutants or careless stalkers caught in a trap somewhere in the sewer. The rat almost can’t be found alone. As a rule the rats’ attack in packs. But some stalkers talk about giant rats reaching under the influence of anomalies really enormous sizes. Such rat doesn’t often come across. These creatures live in deep sewers or basements and only occasionally crawl on the surface in search of food.


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This artifact can significantly reduce the effects of gravitational anomalies. If you enjoy spectacular flying via the "Catapult" anomaly and remains in the same state of aggregation, the comforter is all you need. The strikes on solid objects are significantly mitigated. Like the vast majority of artifacts the comforter is quite radioactive, so it isn’t recommended to wear it in the pockets of the pants.


This funny artifact provides a very tangible trump card to its owner. If you properly activate the Ivy, all stalker’s surrounding living objects feel the enormous pressure and turn into something wet and very flat. It is both a plus and minus. Since the artifact is not able to recognize friendly elements and operates indiscriminately (except activated).


This artifact can deprive by goal oriented action hearing and vision for some time. Also the Dark can temporarily incapacitate a man and his vestibular apparatus. The affected people are completely helpless and deprived of basic sense of perception. However, you can’t eat a fish or sit in the chair with the Dark. When the artifact is activated, a small local emission of radiation and some unexplored factors could cause significant harm to the user.


Lively artifact acts directly on the carrier and people who are close to him. It increases the tone and metabolism and improves mood and digestion. The health is restored and life seems to be perfect. It is a large, heavy and expensive artifact.


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The name speaks for itself. The person caught in this anomaly first feels lightness throughout the body, and then a strong push and flying in a random direction at a good height with decent speed. And if these events can even be called pleasant, then the touchdown can repel the desire in every sense to retry to imagine the action of the catapult. Of course, if you survive. The force of push in the anomaly is always different and it can only be determined like "post facto." The catapult is a moderately dangerous anomaly largely due to the fact that the man has always a few seconds to break out of the anomaly. Also the landing after a short but spectacular flight does not always end in serious injury. The "antigrav" artifact can be found in this anomaly. It is capable to influence with the variety of ways on the forces of gravity and weight as portable things and the man himself.

The betrayal

The Betrayal psionic anomaly suddenly begins to act since it is impossible to observe visually. When the man is injected into the betrayal, he starts to panic and behave inappropriately. Taking into account that almost everybody in the Zone carrying firearms, the Betrayal is an extremely dangerous anomaly. Also there are disorders of the human psyche, both serious and minor, both temporary and permanent. Many effects of the Betrayal is attributed to the loss of orientation in space but it is rather the strongest effects of panic, rather than a direct effect on the brain.


The anther is a small pit filled with so-called "dust." The "dust" is a powdery substance of biologically active and radioactive nature. The anomaly itself resembles a bomb in its action, where the role of detonator serves any living organism of medium size. It is worth noting that the Anther is not responding to inanimate objects of any size. And even thrown into the center of the anomaly a heavy brick will not save you from disastrous consequences. Look for a workaround. The dust contained in the anomaly affects the mucous membrane, skin, eyes, and irradiates a decent dose of radiation.


This anomaly is one of the few which has a positive impact on people. If you stay within a short time at the center of the Sanatorium, you will notice a general improvement in mood and well being. At these moments the regeneration of cells markedly increases. The wounds are skinned much faster, the traumas and other troubles are less severe. However, the growing sense of euphoria significantly blunts the mind and instinct. Even it is a well-known case, when a cheerful stalker after the overly long "session" of anomalous "therapy" tried to gore a bear. This and similar moments are excellent evidence that everything is good in moderation.


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- A unique setting for MMO
- Elements of Survival game play
- Simulation system of the living world zones, changing the locations of anomalies, changing mutants’ habitats, fields of artifacts etc.
- Skill system leveling that allows to modify and develop your character in different ways and requires a conscious exercise gaming activity.
- A developed system of socialization of the players. In the game stalkers get new gaming experience, which is not available for ordinary users.
- The ability to equip the bases of stalkers’ groups and build defenses, develop facilities etc.
- The parallel development of combat and support skills
- The player can choose a preferred style of play PvP, PvE, craft, Survival, trade etc.
- An important element of the game play is exploring of the game world and possession of exclusive information.